Notícias e Eventos

Welcome to the Sparkling Grey project!

By Setembro 23, 2016 No Comments

Sparkling Grey – Turning silver into gold through management strategies that effectively address an ageing and multi-generational workforce, is a three years’ project funded under Erasmus+ programme. The project aims to provide companies with adjusted and innovative human resources management strategies that address age and multi-generational issues while supporting career management skills specifically targeted to senior workers.

Project partners’ origin from 5 different countries (PT, ES, FR, HU and AT) accounting eight entities in total, coordinated by INOVA+. The results that Sparkling Grey expects to achieve are:

  1. A strategic document focusing on conditions needed for the flourishment of institutional contexts for age-friendly and multi-generational management strategies;
  2. An ICT-based tool for SMEs to measure and diagnose the workforce characteristics and current/future management strategies to deal with age and multi-generational aspects;
  3. Training resources for both employers and employees to support the implementation of an effective age-friendly and multi- and inter-generational policies and practices
  4. A set of on the job activities promoting multi-generational teamwork and knowledge retention and transference;
  5. A training package for trainers and counsellors to further use the project results;

During October 13th and 14th, INOVA+ hosted the project partners at Matosinhos to kick of the project activities and discuss on the necessary details to reach the expected results. Further details will be announced, including how interested SME managers and HR managers can engage themselves into the project activities.

For further information, please contact Pedro Costa at