News & Events

Sparkling Grey project successfully comes to its end!

By August 30, 2019 No Comments
Sparkling Grey project successfully comes to its end!

The 31st of August was officially the last day of the Sparkling Grey project. Partners are happy to announce that all project activities, results and outputs were successfully achieved within project lifetime, reaching its target groups and thus, contributing to adjusted and innovative human resources management strategies that address age and multi-generational issues while supporting career management skills specifically targeted to senior workers in the textile and metal sector.

Summing up, during the 3 years of the project, the following results were achieved:

  • State of play, scenarios and guidelines towards a common framework for age-friendly and multi-generational management strategies (based on desk research, literature review and consensus-building, as well as questionnaires and interviews with representatives of both sectors)
  • An online training platform for trainers, managers/enterprises and employees with:
    • An assessment tool for SMEs, supporting the identification of the suitable strategies adjusted to an aged and multi-generational workforce
    • A toolkit for enterprises (employers and HR professionals) supporting the effective integration of HR strategies for age and multi-generational work environments and a toolkit for individuals (senior workers) supporting career decisions, skills development and retirement processes
    • An on-the-job guide for practical activities promoting age-friendly and multi-generational interactions and knowledge transference inside the SMEs
    • A train-the-trainer package supporting the exploitation and utilization of the project results, guiding trainers and counsellors on how to support SMEs to adopt human resources management strategies addressing age and multi-generational issues

All these results are available either on the project website as well as on Sparkling Grey learning platform, to which we invite everyone to register and access. Apart from English, all materials are available on partners’ languages, namely: French, Deutsch, Hungarian, Spanish and Portuguese.

In case of further information, please contact

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