The project activities were designed to enable the Consortium members to reach the desired objectives and results. These activities were planned to involve at different moments SME’s managers, Human Resources manages, older workers and Human Resources experts. The project methodology was designed to involve co-design of the outcomes in validation and fine-tuning sessions (testing and improvement involving end-users).
Activities & Results
The key activities that will be implemented over the 3-years of the project duration include:
- Desk research, literature review and consensus building with experts;
- Questionnaires and interviews with representatives of the target groups;
- Co-development of the project resources with involvement of the target groups and end-users;
- Testing the results in real scenarios within SMEs of textile and metal sector;
- One dissemination event organized in each of the participating countries to show case the products developed and inform about the results of the testing sessions;
- A training event dedicated to the staff members of the consortium;
- A final conference in Valencia, Spain, during the summer of 2019 aims at presenting the results and lessons learned to wider audiences and exploit the tools and materials of the Sparkling Grey.
At the end of the project implementation the following set of results are expected:
- A descriptive report on the current scenario of existing human resources management strategies addressing age and multi-generational issues and tools specifically targeted to senior workers (IO1 – expected to be released by August 2017).
- Recommendations and guidelines developed with and for policy makers towards the promotion of conditions facilitating the adoption of innovative human resources management strategies (IO1 – expected to be released by August 2017).
- An assessment tool for SMEs supporting the identification of the suitable strategies adjusted to an aged and multi-generational workforce (IO2 – expected to be released by August 2018).
- A toolkit for enterprises (employers and HR professionals) supporting the effective integration Human Resources strategies for age and multi-generational work environments (IO3 – expected to be released by August 2018).
- A toolkit for individuals (senior workers) supporting career decisions, skills development and retirement processes (IO3 – expected to be released by August 2018).
- An on-the-job guide for practical activities promoting age friendly and multi-generational interactions and knowledge transference inside the SMEs (IO4 – expected to be released by August 2018).
- A train-the-trainer package supporting the exploitation and use of the project results, guiding trainers and counsellors on how to support SMEs to adopt human resources management strategies addressing age and multi-generational issues (IO5 – expected to be released by February 2019).